Two of our members tell their stories

Rebecca's Story
About four or five years ago I met a couple from church who told me about pony and cart driving, what fun it was and how the horses were so good and I would meet lots of friends. They told me I wouldn't drive on my own because I would have an RDA whip, which I was pleased with. A new challenge was set!
My favourite horse is called Casper - he's lovely and good as gold, well most of the time! He was found in a back garden fed on scraps but you wouldn't know now because he is nice and cuddly now.
Every two weeks there is a bus that comes to pick us all up and takes us back home again. I think this is such a fantastic service for people who are unable to drive themselves.
I meet lots of lovely people and take part in competitions. My first competition was the Concours d'elegance. We drove around Windsor Park looking very elegant and we came first overall. We were all so pleased.
I went on a driving holiday which was great fun, going on drives twice a day going round poppy fields and through woods which were so beautiful.
I like to help towards the upkeep of the ponies by fund raising. Once a year we go to places like Waitrose and go down Ascot High Street with Casper - the little children stroke Casper while Mums and Dads give me some money. Good team work!
My mottoes for life are:
Seize the day.
Take every opportunity when it comes.
And go for life.
Rebecca ;o)
Matthew's Story
Matthew and Carol