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Ann Seth
It is very sad to report that Ann Seth passed away on 3 September 2018. Ann was a member of the Group for many years and enjoyed the weekly drives and the many social activities like picnics and Christmas parties. She always had a lovely smile for everyone and will be very sadly missed. This photo shows her demonstrating carriage driving at Ascot Racecourse.
Blue passes his assessment - August 2018
Blue joined the Group in July 2017, replacing Casper. Although he was a driving pony already, he needed to learn some new skills to be suitable for our members. After lots of hard work from both Blue and our volunteers he passed the RDA assessment in August 2018 and is now a full member of the team. Here he is being driven on the racecourse by Janet and Liz.
Home Park - August 2018
We had our annual visit to Home Park but, unfortunately, it was too hot to take the ponies. We had a picnic at the cricket club and drives in the minibus instead with Sally and Peter acting as tour guides.
Rotary Club of Ascot - August 2018
Earlier this year, the Rotary Club of Ascot made a very generous donation towards the cost of Blue's new carriage. Sarah and Sue were invited to one of their lunchtime events so that Sarah could give a talk about the new carriage and our group generally.
Ponies on Holiday - June 2018
Major and Blue enjoying the evening sunshine together at their holiday home.
Our new carriage has arrived! - March 2018
Our new carriage has arrived at last so we went out for a test drive with Blue.